The Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative, its Network Partners and signatories are committed to complying with all laws and regulations that apply to them, including antitrust and other regulatory laws and regulations and the restrictions on information exchange and other collaborative engagement that said laws and regulations impose. Signatories will not be asked for and must not disclose or exchange strategic or competitively sensitive information about their competing businesses, meaning data or information that reduces uncertainty as to how they intend to act commercially now or in the future (e.g., pricing, volumes, detailed costs, detailed customer or supplier information, business strategy, investment plans).
Signatories must not coordinate views or conduct in such a way that could restrict competition between them or their investment companies, or result in signatories or the investment companies acting in concert (this includes one-way disclosure of information). It is important to note that an exchange of information can achieve the same end as an explicit agreement and it is important to avoid exchanging information which might result in a breach of competition law, even if only inadvertently.
Signatories may not claim to represent other signatories or make statements referencing other signatories without their express consent. Signatories are independent fiduciaries responsible for their own investment and voting decisions and must always act completely independently to set their own strategies, policies and practices based on their own best interests and the overarching fiduciary duties owed to their clients and beneficiaries for long-term value preservation.
The use of particular tools and guidance, including the scope of participation in NZAM, is at the discretion of individual signatories. NZAM is a voluntary initiative and signatories joining do so in the context of their own strategies, agendas, starting points and regulatory considerations from which and with which, they make their own unilateral decisions regarding the ways and means with which they will set and reach net zero targets.
NZAM and its Investor Networks do not provide investment, legal, accounting or tax advice.
The information on this website and all other documentation related to NZAM are intended to be interpreted in a manner consistent with the foregoing.