Founded in 1987, ALPHA TRUST is the oldest and largest independent asset manager of private and institutional investors, domiciled in Greece. They joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in October 2022 and made their Initial Target Disclosure in November 2023.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
9.63% of total AUM (USD $0.11 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
Portfolio coverage baseline
25.28% of AUM in material sectors included in the scope of our interim target is considered net zero, aligned, or aligning
Portfolio coverage target
50% of AUM in material sectors (AUM in material sectors included in the scope of our interim target) is considered net zero or aligned by 2030, with the goal to increase the proportion to 100% of assets to be considered net zero or aligned by 2050 or sooner.
GHG scopes included:
Alphatrust focuses on the portfolio coverage target, for its first interim NZAM targets set, which covers scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. The Company aims to review and increase its scope when more data become available and there is a greater granularity in terms of investee’s scope 1,2 and 3 emissions.
Net Zero Investment Framework
Based on the recommendations of the Principles for Responsible Investment and the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5°C. As data providers further update their tools and methodologies, we will continue to enhance our analysis.
Additional information
Proportion of AUM committed:
The percentage to be managed in line with net-zero, includes data from “listed equity” asset class (direct investments), excluding securities under investment mandates. This is currently the maximum achievable proportion of assets with detailed data available, over which Alphatrust has control regarding the asset’s investment strategy, risk-profile, benchmarking goals and other parameters. While our intent is to manage as many asset classes as possible in line with net-zero, additional data, client engagement and review is required, before we can include more asset classes to our commitment. Our intention is to gradually and selectively include the corporate fixed income asset class in our future scope, when more data become available, and engagement and stewardship action can be implemented.
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
Alphatrust has established an ESG Investment Policy (or “Responsible investment Policy”), in which the Company has set guidelines for the adoption and integration of ESG factors in the investment decision-making and active ownership. This Policy could also be the basis for developing a science-based policy on coal and other fossil fuel investment. It is the Company’s intention to develop and modify its approach regarding investment decisions on sustainability factors and portfolio management in line with net zero, once more data and methodologies are becoming available.
Further information: