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Arbevel is a Paris-based Asset Manager with activities in Equities, Fixed Income, Wealth Management and Private Equity/Debt. They joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in April 2023 and made their Initial Target Disclosure in April 2024.

Initial Target Disclosure: April 2024

Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement

20% of total AUM (USD $0.44 billion)

Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero



Portfolio coverage baseline

24% portfolio companies setting a Science Based Target.



Portfolio coverage target

60% portfolio companies setting a Science Based Target.

GHG scopes included:

The latest SBTi criteria for companies to set Scope 1 and 2 targets, and Scope 3 when available.


Science Based Target initiative for Financial Institutions


The guidance set by SBTi is established based on mitigation sectoral pathways that limit warming in line with the Paris Agreement climate goals. SBTi methodology is based on Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA) and Absolute Contraction Approach (ACA).

Additional information

Proportion of AUM committed:

Our engagement covers all AUM included in open-end funds. We are an independent asset manager with a significant presence in Wealth Management and open-end fixed income funds strategies and a small presence in private equity and private debt. We are aware that asset allocation can shift over time considering prevailing market conditions and potential acquisitions.

Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:

Website link:
Coal and fossil fuel policy is based on exclusion. 100% of the assets are covered by the policy. The policy is derived into 3 different levels with different exclusion thresholds: 1/ Firm; 2/ ISR funds; 3/ Article 9 funds (100% exclusion).

Further information:

Please refer to Financière Arbevel website to access all the required documents on our exclusion policy, engagement and vote policy, reports and progress.