Brawn Capital
Brawn Capital is a private equity firm dedicated to accelerating the transition to renewable energy in Asia-Pacific. Brawn joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in November 2021 and made its Initial Target Disclosure in May 2023.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
100% of total AUM (USD $0.146 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
Portfolio coverage baseline
100% of our AUM is considered “committed to aligning” according to the latest guidance for infrastructure assets from NZIF. Our portfolio covers areas including solar PV, biomass and grid-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS), and so the assets emissions performance level is already near ‘net zero’ relative to the relevant science-based net zero decarbonisation pathway for the sector. However, we are currently working with PCAF to calculate our actual emissions and work towards setting decarbonization strategies. We will continue to measure and align our portfolio with net zero emissions, including in accordance with the NZIF Infrastructure criteria and PE criteria as appropriate.
Allocation to climate solutions baseline
100% of AUM is allocated to climate solutions.
Portfolio coverage target
By 2030, 100% of AUM will remain considered net zero’ – we will continue to ensure the assets’ emissions performance level remains near ‘net zero’ relative to the relevant science-based net zero decarbonisation pathway for the sector. We will also continue to improve asset level disclosures and information such that our assets move from ‘Committed to aligning’ to continually satisfy the net zero alignment criteria set out in the PAII Infrastructure asset guidance, or other alignment guidance for green infrastructure as becomes available.
Allocation to climate solutions target
Continue to maintain 100% of AUM allocation to climate solutions.
GHG scopes included:
For Portfolio Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, we are currently working on our GHG inventory for the year 2022 using the PCAF methodology and database for project finance. As such, the data is not available yet and we intend to release the information in annual ESG report later in the year.
Net Zero Investment Framework
Brawn is aligned with the IPCC’s 1.5C pathway as 100% of our investments are dedicated to being a part of the global transition to low carbon economy.
Additional information
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
We are dedicated to funding renewable energies throughout Asia, and as such we do not make any investments in coal or any other fossil fuel assets.
Further information: