DNCA Investments
Created in 2000, DNCA Finance is recognized for conviction-based management across asset classes, management styles (Value, Blend and Growth) and geographical regions. Domiciled in France, DNCA joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in June 2023 and made their Initial Target Disclosure in October 2023.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
68.5% of total AUM (USD $31.1 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
SBTi Temperature Ratings
Baseline year performance: 2.5°C (scope 1 & 2)
SBTi Temperature Ratings
Quantified target: 2.2°C (scope 1 & 2)
Metric used : tCO2/Mn EUR Revenue for listed equity
Quantified target : below 179 tCO2/mn EUR
Baseline year performance for the target metric(s):
Methodology : SBTi Temperature Ratings
Metric used : tCO2/Mn EUR Revenue for listed equity
Baseline level : 179 tCO2/mn EUR
Percentage of total AUM covered in our baseline year for target setting : 68,5%
GHG scopes included:
At this stage, the coverage for the temperatures and alternative measures provided for the sake of the Net Zero Asset Manager initiative is limited to scopes 1 and 2.
DNCA Finance is committed to integrating scope 3 in its analysis once date is available and standardized.
Science Based Target initiative for Financial Institutions
The ‘Science Based Target initiative for Financial Institutions’ methodology uses 1.5°C scenarios assessed in the most recent IPCC reports.
Additional information
Proportion of AUM committed:
As at the end of 2020, our baseline year in setting up the objective, only 68,5%% of our AUM were managed in line with net zero.
This is due to the fact that, as at this date, the methodology we were using (SBTi Temperature Ratings) was excluding public/sovereign issuers from its scope.
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
While DNCA Finance has set for itself specific objectives to exit the coal and unconventional oil & gas production, it does not have – at this stage – any plans to adopt a science-based policy on coal and other fossil fuel investment.
Further information:
Responsible Investor policy :
Environmental Policy :
Biodiversity & Environmental Pressures Report :