Mirabaud Asset Management
Mirabaud Asset Management is the high conviction asset management arm of Mirabaud. Mirabaud provide a focused and specialized range of investment solutions to institutional and wholesale investors on a global basis. Mirabaud joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in January 2022 and made its Initial Target Disclosure in January 2023.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
54% of total AUM (USD $5.74 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
Portfolio decarbonisation reference baseline
Varies by strategy.
Portfolio decarbonisation reference target
~-54% emissions reduction.
GHG scopes included:
Current decarbonisation targets only cover scope 1&2, but we plan to integrate scope 3. We hope to build out coverage of scope 3 emissions over time as data coverage and quality increase.
Net Zero Investment Framework
IPCC AR5 1.5°C & RCPs and IEA ETP
Additional information
Proportion of AUM committed:
The scope includes Mirabaud Asset Management open-ended UCITS funds categorised under SFDR Articles 8 and 9.
Sovereign bond investments in all portfolios are excluded. Mirabaud Asset Management will continue to engage clients to
increase inflows to strategies that are managed in line with net zero
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
Mirabaud Asset Management’s firm-wide Exclusion Policy covers exclusions on coal.
Further information: