Oldfield Partners
Oldfield Partners is a UK based Asset Management firm focusing on a long-term, value investment approach. They joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in January 2023 and made their Initial Target Disclosure in February 2024.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
80% of total AUM (USD $2 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
Portfolio coverage target
50% of portfolio companies in material sectors aligned to NZ by 2030.
We use an approved Science Based Target (SBTi) as a proxy for company alignment and target 50% by 2030.
Where companies have not set a verified SBTi target, we will follow the NZIF alignment criteria to determine their alignment.
Engagement threshold target
Our commitment includes our position today, as well as two formal interim targets.
Today at least 70% of our financed emissions in material sectors will be either aligned to or achieving net zero, otherwise they will be subject to engagement. By 2030, this number will increase to 90%.
Engagement threshold target
By 2040, 100% of our pledged assets will be aligned to or achieving net zero.
GHG scopes included:
Current focus of scopes 1 and 2. Scope 3 under assessment as data improves.
Net Zero Investment Framework
Science Based Target initiative for Financial Institutions
Our portfolio coverage target and engagement threshold, derived from the NZIF methodology, have been designed to align with the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5°C P1 scenario.
Additional information
Proportion of AUM committed:
80% of our AUM corresponds to the total within our global strategy where the client base is most supportive of NZ initiatives.
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
We are in the process of reviewing our policies.