Stewart Investors
Founded in 1988, Stewart Investors run Worldwide, Emerging Markets, Asia-Pacific, European and Indian Subcontinent equity investment strategies. Stewart joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in March 2022 and made its Initial Target Disclosure in July 2023.
Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement
100% of total AUM (USD $17.788 billion)
Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero
Portfolio decarbonisation reference baseline
173,701 tonnes of CO2e (Scope 1 & 2)
8.9 tonnes of CO2e per $m invested (Scope 1 & 2)
34% of companies with targets
43% disclosing emissions
Portfolio decarbonisation reference target
Portfolio emissions in absolute terms: -50% or 86,850 tonnes of CO2e by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.
• 100% of companies disclosing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025
• 80% of financed emissions covered by targets by 2025, 100% by 2030
• Engage with 100% of companies that are not disclosing adequately or that do not have targets.
• We will also engage with high-emitting companies where we believe they could be reducing emissions more quickly.
• 100% net zero financed and operational emissions by 2050
Baseline year performance for the target metric(s):
173,701 tonnes of CO2e at 31 Dec 2019
13 tonnes of CO2e per $m invested at 31 Dec 2019
34% of companies with targets
43% disclosing emissions
GHG scopes included:
Our targets are related to scope 1 & 2 emissions, we will consider the inclusion of investee companies’ scope 3 emissions when reviewing targets.
Net Zero Investment Framework
Own/other methodology
Our internal pathway is to reduce emissions as quickly as possible. Our targets are not derived from any top-down models as they don’t align with how we invest and are looking to decarbonise at a faster rate than the IPCC or IEA pathways.
Additional information
Proportion of AUM committed:
Stewart Investors invests in the shares of high-quality companies that are well positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development. We are bottom-up, long-term and absolute return focused. Our focus on quality and sustainable development has resulted in portfolios that are typically c.80% lower in carbon emissions than their corresponding benchmarks, free of fossil fuel extraction companies, and with more than 50% of companies contributing to climate change solutions. Our strategies include Worldwide, Global Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific, India and Europe.
Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:
We don’t invest in fossil fuel companies. Our position on harmful and controversial products and services.
Further information:
Information in relation to targets or net zero strategy can be found on our 2021 Climate Report