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Vancity IM

Established in 1995, Vancity Investment Management (VCIM) was one of the first wealth management firms in Canada to focus on investments that deliver competitive returns while making a positive impact on the world. Vancity joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative in October 2021 and made its Initial Target Disclosure in November 2022.

Initial Target Disclosure: November 2022

Percentage of assets covered by the Net Zero Asset Managers Commitment Statement

52% of total AUM (USD $1.3 billion)

Information on interim target(s) covering the proportion of assets to be managed in line with net zero



Portfolio coverage baseline

10% of AUM in material sectors is considered net zero, aligned, or aligning.


Portfolio decarbonisation reference baseline

27413 tCO2e

15.51tCO2e/$mn invested


Engagement threshold baseline

1% of financed emissions in material sectors are net zero or aligned.

57% of financed emissions in material sectors are subject to direct or collective engagement.




Portfolio coverage target

90% of AUM in material sectors is considered net zero, aligned or aligning by 2030 or subject to engagement; 100% net zero, aligned or aligning by 2040.


Portfolio decarbonisation reference target

VCIM will continue to maintain our carbon footprint below each funds respective benchmark and will monitor this on an annual basis with key check in points at 2030 and 2040. We expect that our footprint will equal the benchmarks footprint by 2050 as the benchmark footprint declines towards net zero. Aggregate benchmark carbon footprint 105.44tCO2e/$mn invested VCIM’s current aggregate carbon footprint 15.51tCO2e/$mn invested.



Engagement threshold target

75% of financed emissions by 2025, 90% of financed emissions in material sectors is considered net zero, aligned or aligning by 2030 or subject to engagement.

GHG scopes included:

Scope 1 and 2 covered. Scope 3 to be incorporated in 2024.


Net Zero Investment Framework


PAII The Paris Aligned Investment Initiative’s Net Zero Investment Framework/SBTi. Following guidance here for engagement (utilizing SBTi certified to confirm net zero) and maintaining below benchmark carbon footprint.

Additional information

Proportion of AUM committed:

We plan to increase the scope to 100% over time. Right now, we were only able to get good quality data for our equity holdings (all publicly listed) in our main strategies. We have excluded corporate bonds and sovereigns in this initial round as we require better data and a more thorough process to be able to include them in the future. There is one strategy of public equities within VCIM’s AUM that is currently excluded as VCIM is not the record holder of the portfolio and we cannot assure the accuracy of the holding weights at this time

Policy on coal and other fossil fuel investments:

100% AUM.
VCIM does not invest in companies whose primary line of business is the extraction, production and distribution of fossil fuels.
This means we do not invest in:
▪ Oil, gas and coal producers
▪ Pipeline companies
▪ Natural gas distribution utilities
▪ Liquefied natural gas operations
VCIM also avoids investing in service companies whose primary business is supporting the fossil fuel industry.
*VCIM will remain invested in railroad companies despite some involvement in transporting fossil fuels, as it is not core to their business and can be readily replaced by other freight and cargo.
*VCIM will also remain invested in specific renewable energy companies who may have some legacy natural gas-powered cogeneration facilities but are committed to growing their renewable energy generation assets.

Further information:

Net Zero by 2040